Batuan Village
Batuan village is one of tourist places and destination in Bali, it is popular with center of the arts it is now known for its dancing, wood panel carving and paintings , below is the information :
For over a thousand years Batuan has been a village of artists and craftsmen, old legends and mysterious tales. Batuan village is situated 15 kilometres from Denpasar, where the local people live in and spend their daily life While a local person lives an everyday life, this private house is living. In a certain private house, form is the same anywhere in Bali. It comprises several buildings, the east building is used to make offerings, and the south building will be a kitchen.
The west building is commonly used for the parent’s room, and the north building is the children rooms or used as the place of the offerings. However, Hindu people in Bali build their temple in northeast in the area of the house, called family temple, and they make offerings everyday. The city water is not pulled still more.In addition, I wash it, and bathing is performed entirely in a river.
The gas is not used for the kitchen either and they put firewood and make a fire. Batuan became a center from which Buddhist priests and brahmans spread to the main court centers of south Bali, the village has an unusual preponderance of brabmans. DeZoete and Spies, in their famous book Dance and Drama in Bali, describe it almost entirely a brahman village.